
Margaret Brown
Joined Soft AE: September 2023
Materials Science & Engineering
Gregory Campbell
Joined Soft AE: September 2023
Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics
Leonardo Ferreira Guilhoto

Joined Soft AE: January 2024
Applied Math & Computational Sciences
Perdikaris Group

Gabriela Gomez-Dopazo

Joined Soft AE: January 2024
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Lee and Stebe Groups

George Hollyer

Joined Soft AE: January 2024
Materials Science and Engineering
Stach Group

Justin Hughes

Joined Soft AE: January 2024
Materials Science and Engineering
Composto Group

Philip Iaccarino

Joined Soft AE: January 2024
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Lee and Stebe Groups

Ben Indeglia
Joined Soft AE: September 2023
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Alexander Johnson

Joined Soft AE: January 2024
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Lee and Patel Groups

Owen Land

Joined Soft AE: January 2024
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Lee and Seider Groups

Sam Layding
Joined Soft AE: September 2023
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Felipe Rodrigues Martins

Joined Soft AE: January 2023
Physics & Astronomy
Liu Group

Gabriel Vega-Bellido
Joined Soft AE: September 2023
Materials Science & Engineering
Kaitlin Wang

Joined Soft AE: January 2023
Materials Science & Engineering
Winey Group
Now: Associate Scientist, Postdoctoral Fellow, Merck Combination Product Development, LinkedIn

Yvonne Zagzag
Joined Soft AE: September 2023
Physics & Astronomy
Osuji and Kamien Groups
Aria Zhang

Joined Soft AE: January 2023
Materials Science & Engineering
Composto Group