
The application process is currently closed. You can view information about the last round of applications here.
Depending on where trainees are in their specific degree-granting graduate programs, they would take some or all of the five Soft AE courses. Graduate students who are invited to join the Soft AE Program as a trainee will receive an offer letter that specifies expectations for coursework that is tailored to their situation.
Professional Development
Soft AE trainees meet monthly around topics meant to support their professional development and range of academic and career interests. Skill-building workshops that focus on scientific writing and other important tools for success will be offered. Soft AE Trainees also are offered support to enable Immersive Experiences in environments outside of Penn that will facilitate their research or professional advancement.
If you are a Penn graduate student and would like to be notified when Soft AE programming is open to the general graduate student or postdoctoral population, please send your contact information to
Examples of activities described above, as well as other trainee events are here and in Soft AE News & Events.