Owen, Land, Warren Seider, Daeyeon Lee. “AI-Driven Soft-Sensor Feedback Control for Microfluidic Production of Anisotropic Rods” Oral Presentation, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. October 30th.
Owen, Land, Warren Seider, Daeyeon Lee. “Soft-Sensor Feedback Control for Enhanced Microfluidic Production” Oral Presentation, ACS Colloidal and Surface Science Symposium. Seattle, WA. June 24th.
Layding, Samuel J., Entao Yang, Luis Pinto, Junti Liu, Zachary Wilson, Pluton Pullumbi, Katherine Ameku, Alex Earle, and Robert A. Riggleman. 2024. “Molecular simulation and machine learning for the design of gas separation polymer membranes.” Presented at NSF Research Traineeship Annual Meeting 2024. Arlington, VA. [Link to Poster]
Peppard, Dasha.Chinedum Osuji, Russell Composto, Zahra Fakhraai, Kristin Field, Andrea Liu, Paris Perdikaris. 2024. “Interdisciplinary Training is Date Driven Soft Materials Research and Science Policy: Soft Matter AE Research and Trainee Activities.” Presented at NSF Research Traineeship Annual Meeting 2024. Arlington, VA. [Link to Poster]
Composto, Russell J., and Aria C. Zhang. 2024. “Nanoparticle Assembly in Polymer Nanocomposite Films.” In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Minneapolis, MN: American Physical Society. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR24/Session/G32.6.
Field, Kristin L., Mark Alan Hughes and Russell J. Composto. 2024. “Integrating Energy Technology and Policy: an interdisciplinary course for STEM and Policy graduate students.” Presented at Solar 2024: Connecting Technology & Policy (Education & Training Track: Education for All, May 22, 2024, Washington, DC, American Solar Energy Society) [slides]
Guzmán, Marcelo, Felipe Martins, and Andrea J. Liu. 2024. “Identifying Traces of Learning in Physical Systems.” In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Minneapolis, MN: American Physical Society. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR24/Session/K43.2.
Layding, Samuel J., Gabrielle Dobkin, and Robert A. Riggleman. 2024. “Gas Permeance in Polymer Membranes: Computational Approaches near and Far from Ideal Behavior.” In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Minneapolis, MN: American Physical Society. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR24/Session/N32.5.
Martins, Felipe, Marcelo Guzmán, and Andrea J. Liu. 2024. “Spatial Signatures of Learning in Self-Learning Networks.” In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Minneapolis, MN: American Physical Society. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR24/Session/Q28.2.
Vega-Bellido, Gabriel I., and Robert A Riggleman. 2024. “Mesoscale Modeling of Phase Separation in Structured Fluids.” In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Minneapolis, MN: American Physical Society. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR24/Session/B35.1.
Zhang, Aria C., Kohji Ohno, and Russell J. Composto. 2024a. “Film Thickness Dependence of Morphology Evolution in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Composites.” In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Minneapolis, MN: American Physical Society. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR24/Session/G32.3.
———. 2024b. “Tailoring the Morphology of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Composites – A Study of Film Thickness and Nanoparticle Loading.” In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Minneapolis, MN: American Physical Society. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR24/Session/N00.23.